Biology Complete Fill In The Blanks Important 2014

Friday 14 March 2014

Biology Complete Fill In The Blanks Impotent 2014

Complete the following sentences with appropriate answers:

1. Cell was discovered in 1665 by _________.
2. Fungi cannot make their own food because they lack _________.
3. The physical and chemical breakdown of food in humans first begins in the _________.
4. During respiration _________ is released from food.
5. The different parts of human body and their functions are described in the book _________ written by Abdul Malik Asmai.
6. The study of tissues is called _________.
7. The hormone insulin is secreted by _________.
8. Tape-worm belongs to the phylum _________.
9. The fourth whorl of a flower is known as _________.
10. Stem increases in thickness due to _________.
11. The distance between two nodes of a stem is called _________.
12. “Al-Mansoora” is written by _________.
13. The third eyelid (transparent membrane) that protects the eye of frog in water is known as _________.
14. The organs of locomotion in _________ are called Setae.
15. _________ supplies blood to the brain and to the parts associated with the brain of forg.
16. The genes representing a pair of contrasting characters are called _________.
17. Firdous-ul-Hikma is written by _________.
18. Star-fish belogns to the phylum _________.
19. Androecium is the _________ whorl of a flower.
20. Goitre is caused by the deficiency of _________.
21. Fish respires by means of special structures called _________.
22. _________ controls all functions of a cell.
23. A long narrow and cylindrical fruit of Brassica compestris is called _________.
24. The transfer of pollen grains from another to the stigma of carpel is called _________.
25. Excretory organs in insects are called _________.
26. The single major contribution of Muslim scientists in the field of scientific method is use of _________.
27. The two main subdivisions of biology are _________ and _________ each of which has several further branches.
28. Life can be best defined by comparing _________ of living things with those of _________ things.
29. When food is burnt in our cells in the presence of oxygen to produce energy the process is called _________.
30. When a cell divides to produce two new cells exactly like the parent the process is called _________.
31. The sum of chemical reaction in cells is called _________.
32. Cells were described for the first time by _________.
33. The tiny organs of a cell are called _________.
34. Fungi cannot make their own food because they lack _________.
35. Mosses belong to the group called _________.
36. Invertebrates with spiny skins and hard plates, are known as _________.
37. Birds possesses _________ bones.
38. The major distinguishing feature of vertebrates in the presence of _________.
39. Mango is an Angiosperm plant with two cotyledons. So it belongs to the subgroup called _________.
40. The internal factor necessary for photosynthesis in plants is _________.
41. Glucose produced by photosynthesis may be transformed into complex carbohydrates and other _________ which are utilized by plants or stored in edible plant parts.
42. Plants, which feed on other plants and harm them, are called _________.
43. Plants that feed on dead organic matter are called _________.
44. Some plants are specially adapted to get their food by _________ mode of nutrition.
45. Organic compounds in our food consisting of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are called _________.
46. Glucose and fructose combine to form a 2-sugar carbohydrate called _________.
47. One gram of glucose releases about _________ calories of energy.
48. The total number of known amino acids is _________.
49. All organisms need food for _________.
50. The building blocks of proteins are _________.
51. Physical and chemical breakdown of food in man first begins in the _________.
52. The blind sac at the juction of small and large intestine is called _________.
53. Wave-like automatic contractions of the gut are called _________.
54. The basic processes of transport of substances in cells of all organisms are _________ and _________.
55. Plants transport water, minerals and food from region to region by a _________ system.
56. Too rapid evaporation of water in hot weather causes loss of _________ pressure in plant cells and _________ of plants.
57. Leaves remain cool even in sunlight due to the cooling effect of _________.
58. Heart failure may occur due to _________.
59. Hear muscle is different from _________ in working continuously and automatically without experiencing fatigue.
60. A blockage in the _________ stops the flow of blood and oxygen to muscles of the heart.
61. Respiration takes place in _________ cells of a plant while photosynthesis occurs only in _________ parts.
62. During respiration _________ is released from food.
63. Breathing means _________ of oxygen and carbon dioxide with the _________.
64. Food is prevented from entering the larynx by _________ which guards the opening into it.
65. Oxygen from the lungs is transported to the cells in the form of _________.
66. The volume of the thoracic cavity increases when muscles of the rib cage and the diaphragm _________.
67. The control center for breathing is located in the _________.
68. The capillary network enclosed in Bowman’s capsule is called _________.
69. Persons suffering from kidney failure can be helped either by such artificial means as _________ or by _________ transplants.
70. Excretion involves removal of _________, excess _________ and _________.
71. Nitrogenous wastes are produced when _________ are metabolized.
72. Extra quantities of CO2, O2 and water in plants is released through _________.
73. Like animals, plants too are _________ to environmental factors.
74. Any environmental factor to which plants react is called a _________ whereas the reaction itself is called a _________.
75. Support and movement human being is a function of _________ and _________.
76. The body of invertebrates such as arthorpoda is protected and supported by an _________.
77. The joints of skull bones are of _________ types.
78. Ligaments hold the _________ together.
79. The type of muscle which makes possible movements of a vertebrate animal is called _________.
80. Co-ordination of various activities of the body in multicellular animals is not possible without _________ systems.
81. Single-celled organisms are too small to need special means of _________ of information.
82. Large animals have developed two special systems of communication namely _________ and _________ systems.
83. The structure which perceive environmental stimuli are called _________.
84. The main effectors in the body of animals are _________ and _________.
85. Glands without duct are called _________.
86. Tissues and organs, which respond to hormones, are called _________ sites.
87. The endocrine gland, which controls the function of thyroid, adrenal, ovary and testis, is called _________ gland.
88. Hormones are substance made by _________ and are released directly into _________.
89. Budding results in new individuals by the process of _________ division.
90. The a***ual method of reproduction in yeast is _________.
91. The 3rd and 4th whorls of flower are _________ and _________.
92. Fusion of sperm with the egg results in formation of a _________ with _________ number of chromosomes.
93. The part of the seed which contains nourishment for the embryo is called _________.
94. The development of a tadpole to become an adult frog is called _________.
95. The science which deals with the study of viruses, bacteria, protozoa and microscopic fungi is called _________.
96. Some bacteria can reproduce so fast that they can produce almost _________ generations in 24 hours.
97. Food can be preserved by _________, _________ and _________.
98. Genetic engineering is a branch or area of _________.
99. Biological principles which explain similarities and differences among individuals are called _________.
100. The science which deals with structure and working of DNA and genes inheritance is called _________.
101. Chromosomes consist of _________ and _________.
102. An individual receives _________ percent of its chromosomes from each parent during ***ual reproduction.
103. An ecologist specializes in learning about interrelationships _________ and their interaction with _________ environment.
104. The components of environment are _________ and _________.
105. The place where organisms live is called _________.
106. The different living thing component in an ecosystem constitute a _________.
107. The basic functional unit of environment is an _________.


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